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NY Port Authority to adopt new rules at JFK to ease weather delays

After suffering severe weather-related disruptions this winter at New York’s JFK, the Port Authority announced new rules and procedures aimed at avoiding future problems at the airport during weather emergencies. Among the changes is a new mandate that requires “airlines to request and receive explicit confirmation from their terminal operator that a gate will be available for flights arriving during a storm window.”  Also, because JFK’s eight terminals are operated by different entities, the new measures also include “mandated requirements for mutual aid between airlines, terminal operators, and ground handlers to share equipment, staff and gates during emergency situations.” All requests for mutual aid will be facilitated through the Emergency Operating Center.


Ecuador delays health Insurance mandate for visitors

As previously reported, Ecuador has been in the process of revamping its immigration policies. As part of the new procedures, visitors were going to be required to prove that they have health insurance when entering the country. The new rules were to go into effect on May 1, 2018. However, there is still considerable vagueness in the legislation and thus the mandate has been postponed. Now the earliest that proof of health insurance could be required is July 22, 2018. However, there are questions that need to be addressed. For example, it is unclear as to whether this will apply to all visitors or those staying longer than 90 days. There are also still no clear guidelines as to what type of health insurance will be required or what form of proof will be needed.

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