
Infinite Search Plus

Maximize your Airline and Hotel Savings!

Adelman’s fully integrated ISP technology re-shops every airline ticket and hotel rate booked right up until a business traveler’s departure.

We present our clients with hard-dollar savings that are reportable, trackable and verified. If a more cost-effective rate is found, the ticket or room reservation will automatically be exchanged, with no input needed from the traveler. We send you only the most relevant deals while factoring in your parameters and travel policy, change penalties, airline void windows and specific savings goals. 

Business People Having a Meeting

Adelman’s proprietary low fare and rate search technology, with auto rebooking functionality, provides the lowest possible price for business travelers!

Key Benefits

Customized search parameters based on company’s policies, savings thresholds and preferences

Hotels rates eligible for exchange until the cancellation policy window

Air exchanges rebooked in the “void window” at no cost

If fare exchange is done outside of void window, change fees are pre-calculated to ensure ROI

Notice of changes and savings are sent directly to the traveler

Let's Calculate the Savings!

Savings are displayed via a reporting dashboard to show you exactly how much money Adelman has saved for your program. This is just one more way we’ve made the process of continually reducing costs within your program effortless and stress-free.



“Technology like Infinite Search Plus enables Domino Amjet to execute on savings that otherwise wouldn’t be possible for our travel program. With minimal friction to the end traveler and guaranteed savings attached to the initial investment, this was an easy decision for our business.”
-Trevor Benson, CFO, Domino Amjet

Contact us to learn more about how Infinite Search Plus will improve your business travel management program.