Corporate Travel Management News and Tips

9 Ideas to Improve Your Travelers’ Comfort

April 30, 2018 | For Travel Managers

What measures are you taking, as the travel manager, to ensure your corporate travelers’ comfort?

If your company coordinates your employees’ corporate travel service, you know that their trips are critical to growth and increased revenue. But overtime, your road warriors will get worn down if they’re not properly taken care of. When neglected, travelers may seek other jobs requiring less travel or providing better benefits. If the answer is “none,” here are nine ideas that will make your travelers feel like a constant priority.

Corporate Travelers’ Comfort: 9 Tips

1.    Share Destination-Specific Health Information for Corporate Travelers

Are your travelers going to a country known for Zika Virus? Yellow Fever? If you’re unsure, check out the CDC’s website for the latest information.

2.    Incorporate Bleisure Into Your Corporate Travel Policy

The millennial traveler is seeking to get more out of their corporate trips by tacking on a leisure portion. Give your employees some down time by including a bleisure section in your policy.

3.    Hold Stress-Reducing Workshops for Corporate Travelers

Traveling can be stressful. Rushing to make flights, catching reliable transportation, and making it to the meeting on time are just a few of the factors that your employees face. Hold a class for them that teaches stress-reducing techniques, focus-boosting methods, and increased productivity ideas.

4.    Pay for Your Travelers’ TSA Pre-Check

Most road warriors want to qualify for the TSA Pre-Check and Global Entry to speed up their time in the airport. Include in your policy that they’ll get reimbursed for the $100 fee. You might also include the CLEAR membership, which is $179 per year, as another way to get them through security faster.

5.    Offer Travelers Flex Time Surrounding the Corporate Trip

As a leisure traveler, you know that it takes a day or two to completely recuperate and get back in a routine. The same goes for your corporate travelers. Set up a procedure that gives them flex time, work from home hours, or even a PTO day after an extended trip.

6.    Encourage Corporate Travelers to Disconnect from Technology

French companies are leading the way with this concept. They approve of their corporate travelers to “unplug” when they get in a new city. This lets the traveler avoid any business communication and soak up every moment to explore. You might consider including this idea under your bleisure section.

7.    Suggest Non-Stop Flights or Lounge Reimbursement at Airports

Non-stop flights can be more expensive than those with layovers, but that’s because your travelers get there faster. If they find themselves on a layover or if missed they missed a flight, offer them access or a reimbursement when they go hang out in a lounge at the airport. Covering this extra expense goes further than you think.

8.    Be Considerate of Travelers’ Flight Times

It’s no secret that very early or late flights can save you $50 or more. However, would you be willing to get up that early or stay up that late to catch a flight? Cutting in to your travelers’ sleep pattern leads to resentment toward their trip that could have been avoided. Book flights that are early or late enough to save money, but not to the extreme that they can’t get enough sleep.

9.    Require Business Class Seats for Longer Flights

For flights over six hours, your travelers’ comfort on board should be a major concern. Within your policy, state that they are required to book the more comfortable seats for longer flights. This makes it clear that you care about your travelers’ comfort.

Traveler comfort is key to employee satisfaction, but travel managers need to be taken care of, too. That’s why at Adelman Travel, we dedicate a team of representatives to support your needs. You can leverage our global vendor relationships but feel the support of a local travel agency. Contact us today to speak with a team member to see how you can start saving on your next corporate trip.
